We personally assess every book s quality and offer rare, outofprint treasures. Rhema is a nonprofit charity that distributes free christian. Donate a bible donate your bibles we need new bibles. Top places to donate used books home storage solutions 101. Sep 03, 2015 what not to donate when you donate your books to prisons. Old and unused linens hanging around are a staple in most homes. Try to fill up the box so contents dont shift in the mail. The books they collect are sent to people who write letters asking for books. Another option is to donate them with your clothing donation. By specifically dealing with christian literature, you are able to cultivate a special relationship. Books to africa international is a uk registered charity 1152599 an organisation in special consultative status with the united nations economic and social council ecosoc since 2017.
To find your nearest specialist book shop, use our shop finder and select the checkbox books under the find shops that sell option. Your local library will be glad to take your books. If you are a uk taxpayer, the governments gift aid scheme means christian associates uk can reclaim the tax you have already paid on your gift. However, this business can also be very beneficial for your customers, particularly if you sell high. Book aid charitable trust was set up in order to make large shipments of new and secondhand christian books and bibles to these needy areas. Or you can shop from our huge online books selection. Please let us know where in the country you are based and some detail on the books you have available. Donate to our missionaries support christian churches worldwide. Free collection of clothes, books and items to donate to. With an aim to make the gospel message of jesus christ known, we have free bibles and free gospel literature for all who would seek to work for the kingdom and obey gods command to go into the whole world and make disciples. Call to book your home collection today by calling 0808 250 0024. Donate books to charity free nationwide book donation pick up. Rma has their our own printing factory in northern ireland, this past year they used 880 tonnes of paper in the production of gospel. The salvation army the salvation army is one of the worlds largest providers of social aid.
Get cash for the books you no longer want or need using our hassle free service. When you donate christian books, bibles, and other materials, you are giving resources that help inmates to grow in their faith. When you research how to donate your books to prisons, the same phrase comes up over and over again. Many of our books come from britain and are less common than those found on some other sites. Your used books make a big difference in the lives of americas veterans and their families. We also ship christian books, study guides, sunday school literature, and more.
Any donation you can give will be used to fund a range of activity, from reading support and help for families to speciallydesigned books for children with disabilities, the money you donate today could help every child to experience the joy of reading. I have 4 books of books from a pastors office and would like them to be put to good use. Our main work is in prisons, schools and with disadvantaged children. Book aid charitable trust providing christian literature in areas of. Jun 21, 2018 you can donate cash to kids need to read, or you can donate your books. Access books collects books for relief shelters think. You will see the description of the program and then choose between a monthly sponsorship or monthly donation. Rhema is a nonprofit charity that distributes free christian books learn about what we do as a nonprofit charity, the history of our activities and how you can participate. The best place to donate used linens is animal shelters. Helping you grow more and know more, all of these books, in their own unique way, offer ways of understanding faith and life from a christian perspective. When you donate christian books and other christian materials, please be mindful of the condition of the. Christian books over 100,000 christian books including. We are a small christian charity, but we have a disproportionately large.
And you can always check better world books, which has drop boxes across the country. Selling used books is an easy and fun way to share books and earn money. Your free guide to the uk s christian secondhand book dealers helping rare or hard to find books find new homes. Christian associates uk is a registered charity in the uk, number 1070351. There are also a variety of free books being offered such as. They truly know what they are talking about, and they actually care about you.
How about that christian book that you just finished. You can donate cash to kids need to read, or you can donate your books. Donate to our missionaries support christian churches. Donating your used books locally saves you the shipping costs of mailing your books and benefits charities and needy families in your area. Currently, this means that your gift can increase its value by 25% at no extra cost to you. Mar 23, 2017 selling used books is an easy and fun way to share books and earn money. Thriftbooks sells millions of used books at the lowest everyday prices. Shelters use your linens for bed lining and to bathe animals. Christian library international collects and distributes used christian books and bibles to 1,400 prisons in all 50 states. They also offer a receipt for tax deduction purposes shipping is also taxdeductible. So in case, you cannot afford to donate money, donating old books is a good idea. Love packages collects bible donationsas well as donations of christian books, sunday school materials, and morefrom people and publishers across the u. If youre ready to donate online, please use the caf form at the bottom of this page.
Donate christain books christian library international. However, this business can also be very beneficial for your customers, particularly if you sell highquality religious texts at a great price. If youre going to donate books, it would be best for you to donate as many as possible rather than just sending one book at a time. If you are able to donate christian books, please get in touch. We now have three new book banks based at the cct conference centres in hertfordshire, derbyshire and suffolk, where people are able to donate books. Every week we accept hundreds of used books to redistribute to the christian community. You can donate books at several locations in your city, including. What if the next bible you donate finds its way into the hands of a young preacher or pastor like billy graham, andrew wommack, joyce meyer, chuck missler, chuck swindoll, oral roberts, john g. The goal of christian library international is to advance christs light in prisons. They collect used christian books and bibles and distribute them to prisons in all 50 states.
In addition, by offering free books, these organizations will help build upon literacy within communities public libraries. Free collection of clothes, books and more dont throw away your unwanted items. Instead of bringing them to a used bookstore, consider donating them to love packages a ministry aimed at putting christian literature and bibles into the hands of people around the world who are hungry for the word of god. Operation paperback donate books to troops overseas. Here are the most uptodate places and organizations you can go donate your lightlyused books. Because shipping books can be expensive, we strongly encourage you to consider donating your books to one of our sister books to prisoners programs that may be geographically closer to you or to a local jail or prison. This month, we are grateful for a choice from anthony horowitz, who remembers a series which captured his. In the uk the leaflets are free but please make a donation if you can. We love all books, but some of the most indemand books are textbooks, cookbooks, art books, architecture. Where to donate used christian books5 places to start one. Rhema is a nonprofit charity that distributes free christian books. Our mission is to create and distribute books and resources which help. To find out if there is a collection point near you, click on your location on the map. You can donate books at a variety of locations in your community, including.
Donating to prison libraries book donation programs. Donate christian books christian library international. Book aid charitable trust providing christian literature. They also offer receipts for tax deduction purposes. Book aid international is the uk s leading international book donation and library development charity. No matter how big or small, your donations are needed and appreciated. In addition, by offering free books, these organizations will help build upon literacy within communities public libraries, schools, after school programs, hospitals and homes.
The dci pages free christian books, leaflets and bibles. Donate books we are always seeking new, recently published books to support readers around the world who would otherwise have few uptodate, relevant books. Wash the linens and call ahead to see if your local shelter is accepting donations. About rhema literature distributors free christian books. We specialise in secondhand christian books, of which we have about 3750 catalogued at any one time. To maintain the confidentiality of our collectors we do not list their individual addresses on this site.
If you cant make it down to one of our charity shops to donate your things we can collect them from your home for free. You can donate christian books to christian library international and partner to reach inmates for christ. Note that they only accept books that are in like new condition. In particular book aid supports christian bookshops, mainly in africa, asia and the caribbean. We love all books, but some of the most indemand books are textbooks, cookbooks, art books, architecture books, business books. Book aid has a nationwide network of collection point were donations of books can. Instructions for donating books and bibles can be found here. Just click the schedule a pickup button below, choose a date for your donation pickup, leave your clearly labeled donations outside on the day you choose, and our driver will pick. Anything else forbidden by the organization or prison you donate to. Webuybooks offers a great way to recycle books from the comfort of your living room or student halls and it couldnt be any easier. Thank you for being prepared to help the work of cbw.
Give the gift of literacy when you donate your used books to charity. We support theological colleges in the global south by providing quality theological titles. We do not store credit card details nor do we share financial details with any third parties. You can go through all of your books and set aside ones you dont read or ever plan to read. Mar 04, 2015 free christian books, leaflets and bibles. Where to donate used christian books5 places to start. Do not write to us but contact the links direct for their genuine free offers.
Christian secondhand and used book dealers uk christian bookshops directory. Book aid international is the uks leading international book donation and library development charity. Book aid charitable trust providing christian literature in. To supply good christian books and resources to chatterboxes preschool. Please let us know where in the country you are based and some detail on the books. Books through bars is a charitable organization that provides books to men and women in prison. Including vintage prayer books and religious theory. Your free guide to the uks christian secondhand book dealers helping rare or hard to find books find new homes. Our vision is a world where everyone has access to the books that will enrich, improve and change their lives. All of these have their centres throughout the country and are easily accessible. Every year, publishers and other members of the book trade generously donate around one million books to us.
As someone who is fortunate enough that most of my experience with the prison system has happened through netflix, i took that to mean simply that when youre in the same small space day after day, it gets boring. To provide for the promotion and advancement of the christian faith by such methods as the trustees may deem fit for further details see objects clause of trust deed. There are many different ways to gather books to donate. When you donate christian books, bibles, and other. It might be a book drive through a local church, library, school, or volunteer organization. By supporting spck, you will become part of the oldest anglican mission in the uk. Visit your local shop to donate, buy a favourite read or drop in for a chat about volunteering. Proceeds from their stores are used to fund adult rehabilitation centers, where those in the grip of addiction find help, hope, and a second chance at life. So many of us have books piling up in corners, lining up along the floor, stacked in piles on desks, overflowing from our bookshelves. Books are gathered by volunteers through a network of uk collection points.
All kinds of christian books hardback or paperback please avoid sending. Our books can help you know the bible, learn about christ, and supply practical help for your christian life. Donate secondhand, used, old and rare books oxfam gb. Books are gathered by volunteers through a network of. Donate christian books overseas books service feed the minds. We ship more than tons of recycled gospel literature on the mission field every year. There are a number of organizations where you can donate books locally, such as the salvation army, goodwill or reading tree. Book aid charitable trust collects and ships secondhand christian books to. Completely free christian literature, free bibles for new. Getting your old bibles on the mission field is easy.