Soul winning sermon sermon outline by tom moore on the qualities the soul winner must have. Below are notes to a sermon preached sunday morning and evening, oct. Personal soul winning section 5 lesson 7 learn the bible. Faith may be well described as taking hold upon divine instruction. Pastor jack hyles 19262001, from chapter 10 of the book titled, enemies of soulwinning. The soul winners manual chapter i part 1 outline by ralph yankee arnold the message. The importance of personal soul winning bibles net. While the bible tells us that there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels on such occasions luke 15.
We are in the process of eventually knocking every door in our county. Was a baptist evangelist and pastor and the founding editor of the sword of the lord, an influential fundamentalist newspaper. For more outlines, including a zipped file of all of my 1999 sermon outlines, click on the link at the bottom of this note, and go. Click here to view a basic outline which you can use when witnessing. Our text outlines three phases in being god s instrument in changing normal. For we are his workmanship, created in christ jesus unto good works ephesians 2. Strategy for evangelism and soulwinning pastorvictororji. In fact, we have official soulwinning times that meet every day of the week in order to make it convenient for people to work soulwinning into their schedule. Ever since jesus gave his apostles the great commission mark 16. The gospel in a shoe box 20 reasons for soulwinning 1. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father, and of the son, and of the.
Love worth finding po box 38300, memphis, tn 38183 8002745683. Gods plan of salvation in trying to lead a person to the lord please remember that this person needs to understand the plan of salvation and nothing else until after he is saved. The early church was actively engaged in soul winning on a daily basis. Much of his ministry was devoted to direct appeals to. It is not confined to pastors or the called people who belong to the fivefold ministry because it not a calling. Then, like paul, we will view our responsibility to evangelize, as a necessity laid upon us 1 corinthians 9. The one who brought his brother to jesus was andrew. For more outlines, including a zipped file of all of my 1999 sermon outlines, click on the link at the bottom of this note, and go to our website. Sticking with the norm is often safer, but it seldom allows you the opportunity to experience the miraculous in your life or ministry. In john, chapter 4, when the woman at the well received the living water, without a soulwinning lecture or hearing a soulwinning sermon or attending a soulwinning conference or hearing a.
Preaching the gospel is gods method of saving souls. God expects you to go to work now winning people to christ. The message of soulwinning is that god has provided, and is now offering, a great and full and free salvation. February 9, 2020 being smart in the master bedroom. Soulwinning is the activity of the church in telling the gospel to sinners with the intent to. When we speak of soul winning, we are actually speaking of leadingsoul.
It includes sermon outlines, articles of interest to pastors and members of biblebelieving, fundamental, independent baptist churches, bible study helps, and more. This sermon is adapted from chapters 14 and 15 of the golden path to successful personal soul winning by dr. Focus on the field emphasis on soulwinning messages in the focus on the field series. Sermons on proverbs charles spurgeons sermon notes. Understand, there is a lot more to winning someone over to the lord than just caring about them, but with the help of this series, soul winning, we can unlock the secrets of persuading secular people into a spiritual mindset. Soul winning sermon four essentials for the soul winner i. Revival soul winning outside the box when you look at the life and ministry of jesus christ, you see very quickly that his ministry was definitely an outside the box ministry. How, then, can you and i be effective witnesses for him. Active soul winning work as a guard against sinning. You may use them as is, or edit them to suit your purposes. Below are notes to a sermon preached sunday morning, july 30, 2000, at gospel light baptist church, albany, georgia. Soul winning is not a calling but a command that must be practised by all christians. The golden path to successful personal soul winning, sword of the lord publishers, 1961, pp.
Soul winning is a command for everybody just like tithing and living a. When we speak of soulwinning, we are actually speaking of leadingsoul. We are to personally seek out the sinners and bring then in luke, 14. Jesus, the worthy anchor of the soul 77 grassroots sermon 80 gods priest supreme 82 our priest, holy, harmless, undefiled, and separated from sinners 85 pauls effort to set the hebrew christians right concerning the old covenant and the new 87 our high priest, not after the law of carnal commandment 90 the old and the new contrasted in worship 93. The biblebelieving fundamentalist presents the ministries of pastor michael d. His letters express his yearnings for the souls that he ministered to there and his love for that first church. In john, chapter 4, when the woman at the well received the living water, without a soul winning lecture or hearing a soul winning sermon or attending a soul winning conference or hearing a. This portion of the outline is given to bring the discussion to a. The church calls a soulwinning pastor who preaches so that souls can be saved. We are leading people to the saving knowledge of jesus christ, so that they may put their faith and trust solely in his shed blood for the remission of their sins. The second verb in gods church planting model is preaching, but if we dont learn how. Pue 03 preparing and presenting a lay evangelistic series. A sermon need not be limited to the exposition and enforcement of scripture, for much. Sermon by topic sermon outlines, sermon ideas, image.
The most effective means of winning souls to christ is by sharing the gospel. Essential to the continued existence of any god honoring, christ centered, church community is an outward focus with the intent of winning souls. We are supposed to go soul winning and do soul winning if our churches grow or if our churches decrease in attendance. As we continue our study through the book of jeremiah today, we will see a remarkable promise from god. The christians in the new testament went everywhere, preaching the word acts 8. Let us go out to the colleges, and malls and streets of this city and bring lost sinners in to hear the gospel preached. The two most important characteristics of a soul winner are. The joy of soul winning the sermons and writings of. Rice 1895 1980 read freely text sermons and articles by the speaker john r. Jesus soulwinning ministry was not con fined to public preaching.
For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness. In verse 6, we have a clear outline of gods way to win souls and the certainty of. God has chosen preaching to save those who will believe. Soul winning sermon four essentials for the soul winner. A recent discovery of an inscription says that ramses ii built the city of raamses with jewish labor. Samuel rutherfords first church was at anwoth on the solway. My sermons by david cambridge 8 and others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire.
The messenger that god uses in soul winning knows the truth of ephesians 2. You may not reproduce these outlines to give them away or offer them for sale. It is with great joy that i share with you the tool which the holy spirit had larry prepare for the body of christ before he went to heaven. You know, one time charles spurgeon who became one of britains greatest intellects was seeking to be something great. Oneal and gospel light baptist church of albany, georgia. And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament. One of the greatest joys this life affords us should be experienced when one surrenders their life to the lord. There he wrestled, like jacob with the angel, with god for his few sheep in the wilderness. February 2, 2020 smart planning concerning blended families. Please make your way in gods word to the 126th psalm. For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves. It is what turns you from being a spectator christian to a motivator believer. Below are notes to a sermon preached sunday morning, sept. To meet our guilt there is forgiveness, cleansing, and justification.
Preaching the gospel is gods method of saving souls title. Sermon outlines based on the unvarnished truth at biblestudiesforlife. It is one of the most wonderful pictures in the bible. Soulwinning evangelism ronnie floyd sermon outlines. Stick with the come and see soulwinning presentation when you are on. Our church spends several hours a week out soulwinning in the greater phoenix area. Man is both body and soul, and the soul can survive murder by a fellow man cf. When you find psalm 126, please stand for the reading of gods word. February 16, 2020 smart planning concerning lust and temptation. It opens to us one of the great secrets of pauls power. Please hear the awesome mp3 sermons, how to be right with god by dr.